Jul 29

reVAMP Fitness and Nutrition programmes - series three for upper limb amputees

Posted by LimbPowerAdmin on Thursday 29th July 2021

Series three is designed for upper limb amputees and individuals with limb difference. This is a great opportunity to learn how to adapt exercise to do at home. We know through our own survey and through research from the Activity Alliance that 56% of disabled people are worried about leaving their home to exercise, so reVAMP is the ideal solution to exercising at home and keeping active.

We are super proud of the current reVAMPers who have almost completed the reVAMP (2) fitness and nutritional programme. It is so rewarding to hear that participants have already benefitted with their confidence when using a prosthesis, weight-loss and functional strength from taking part.

Here is what the participants say;

Susan Voss Hardy:

I love the format of this program. You can do the workouts in your own time and the google docs and WhatsApp support group keep me accountable! I’ve lost about 8 pounds so far and feel stronger and more confident working out wearing my prosthetic. I especially appreciate the help I received from the reVAMP Physiotherapist adapting the workouts after my fall until my injury healed! Great program!

Katie Walker:

I am loving reVAMP. I do not want it to end! Having the support groups have made me stick to the training circuits. Commitment is the area I struggle with most, but I haven’t struggled at all with this. I love how interactive it is and how everyone cheers each other on.

I’ve lost 9lb, gone down a dress size (thank goodness

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